Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing US and French Cultures :: essays research papers

Looking back at my experiences in France, I realize just how different our two cultures are. Furthermore, I found it very interesting how, after reading the text, both my parents, one being from France and the other from the United States, reflect the cultural values of their country to a tee. For example, my father has always been the authoritarian parent and my mother the authoritative. French fathers were described in the text as being an "in-control" type parent and using "direct-punishment". He was the strict parent, and my mother, who practiced the typical parenting style used in the United States (authoritative), used a more balanced approach. I would have to say that having both styles of parenting during my childhood had positive as well as negative aspects to it. As described in the text, I did indeed experience more anxiety and withdrawal perhaps due to my fathers authoritarian parenting. However, the positive aspects were that I did well in school and had the utmost respect for my father. I was taught to respect and even if it was out of fear, it worked. As far as socialization agents and their influences are concerned, I have had plenty of experiences in France where the institutions proved to be very different than those in the United States. The schools were extremely strict. For example, when my sister and I were in the school cafeteria all the students were told to put their hands behind their heads and be silent. When my sister made a noise she was sent outside in the pouring rain (with a cast on, which could not get wet). They tied her shoes together so she couldn't run away. Because my sister kept crying, they decided that the only way to get her to stop would be to throw ice cold water in her face. My parents were less than pleased about the occurrence and immediately took us out of the school. Furthermore, when I was in third grade, I remember the teacher spanked us with a wooden board because we went to the bathroom without asking. These experiences probably influenced my behavior in school for the rest of my life. I have always been extremely obedient in school and respected my authority. Another difference I have found between France and the United States is that in France, personal space is much smaller than in the United States.

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